Sunday, August 31, 2008

"my Gang" (pause my music player at the bottom)

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Jonna said...

Steph..that's hillarious! Darn good hip hoppers you have. Shannon & Blake thought they would be funny and do one of Kenny & I.
I plan to do one of them soon.

Becca and Jared Anderson said...

Hi Stephanie!

How are you? I am so glad you found me! This way we can keep in touch. Your blog is the cutest ever!! :) Glad to see your family is doing well. Mike got a new bike---good for him. I'm not telling Jared though--for some reason, he will think he needs a new one :)

Jennica said...

Seriously hilarious! Very cute. We love Jib Jab they have some funny clips. Thanks for the ent.