Monday, August 25, 2008

Fresh start and First Day of School

Yes, I know I have been bad about updating my blog I have felt like I got so behind with summer events because I had so much I wanted to share we had such a great summer just enjoying the summer days playing with cousins and friends, playing baseball, lagoon and good old camping that I felt like couldn't catch up but I have decided to just let the past go and start fresh. So I promise to keep up and enjoy keeping this journal of me and my family and our daily adventures. Braxton and Carson started school and it was kinda a bitter sweet moment summer just seemed to fly by and I wasn't quite ready to let my kids go. They are both growing up so fast into such handsome little boys Braxton started 3rd grade and was more ready than ever ready to go and conquer the world and my sweet Carson well 1st Grade here I come he was certainly a little nervous but still excited .


Chris said...

Such handsome little guys!!!

Anonymous said...

Yea!! Love the update! What cute little boys you have...but I still can't believe how big they are!! Where did the time go?!? You certainly have one cute family!!